Rachel Varney | Letting Go, Jumping In, and Guiding Others Towards Confidence
Meet Rachel Varney — personal wardrobe stylist of Styled By Rachel based in Hoboken, NJ. She shares her experience taking a chance on her passions, guiding her clients in expressing themselves uniquely, and how spirituality keeps her grounded. Enjoy your special savings on all packages!
Photo by Rachel Varney, artwork by The Purple Thread
Share a little bit about yourself & your current work.
I'm Rachel! I was born and raised in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, and now I live here in Hoboken. During the pandemic, I decided to quit my corporate job and start my own personal styling business, Styled By Rachel.
I help clients discover and define their personal style and find clothing that gets them excited about getting dressed.
What problem do you strive to solve?
I strive to help people gain confidence in their style and make getting dressed something to be excited about rather than something they dread.
I think there's a common misconception that stylists are going to come in and push their own style onto their clients.
My main goal is to help clients embrace their own fashion sense and find what works for them. Everyone has unique taste, and I want that to shine through what they wear.
I have seen first hand how much more confident my clients become because they actually feel like themselves in what they're wearing. All they needed was some guidance to help express themselves through their clothing!
What is a defining moment that drew a clear before & after line in the sand for you? How did it “light the way” for you going forward?
During Covid, I was furloughed from my job, but I knew I wasn't truly happy with what I was doing there. I knew this time off was my opportunity to reflect and figure out what I really wanted to do.
To express my creativity and just try something new, I jumped at the opportunity to help out with a mutual friend’s virtual styling business. I instantly fell in love with it! I felt confident that this was something I was good at. I had never pictured myself starting any kind of business, but as I continued trying to really tap into what I wanted to do with my life, the thought of starting my own styling business began crossing my mind. It was overwhelming, and I didn't know where to begin!
One day I was out for a walk listening to a podcast and the host said, “You have to just jump even if your legs are still trembling.” It's a cliche line, but in that moment, I knew it was my time to jump. I decided to quit my job right then and there and start my own styling business. The perfect time will never come. Even if you don't feel 100% ready, you might just have to jump in.
How important is your overall health and well-being? When do you feel your best?
Extremely important! If I haven't been taking care of my body (getting enough sleep, moving my body, enough nutrients, etc.) I can sense a change in my energy, my mood, everything.
I'm also very spiritual, so prayer has become a big part of my life. It keeps me grounded and helps alleviate anxiety. When I'm most connected spiritually is when I'm feeling my absolute best!
How do you make time for what matters to you, deciding what to focus on, what can wait, and what can be let go of entirely?
This is something I've always struggled with, and it's still something I have to work at. I say yes to everything and tend to bite off more than I can chew. However, I've realized that every time you say yes to something you're really just saying no to something else. Thinking about it in that way helps me to decide what is really most important in that moment.
What or who will always make you laugh?
Schitt's Creek always makes me laugh. It's one of those comforting shows you can just put on for a mood boost.
What is a piece of advice you would you give your younger self?
I wish I could tell my younger self to stop putting so much energy into what other people think. No one will ever be thinking about what you are doing as much as you are thinking about what you're doing.
What currently inspires and empowers you?
Lately, I've been getting into autobiographies and just listening to interviews. It's inspiring to learn about how people got to where they are now and what they've overcome to get there.
What is new and good in your world that you’re eager to share?
At Styled By Rachel, I offer three different styling packages. Each service can be tailored to perfectly fit your styling goals.
I'm beyond excited to share my styling business, Styled By Rachel! What started as a creative outlet during the pandemic turned into my dream job. Follow along through @styledbyrv as I share outfit inspiration, styling tips, and a peek at upcoming projects.
Exclusive offer for The Purple Thread:
10% off styling packages. Save as much as $35 - $145 on one of Rachel’s three different personalized services. Simply mention The Purple Thread during your free consultation.
and… Vintage Around the Park!
Vintage Around the Park is Hoboken's first vintage and antique market and is coming to Shipyard Park on Saturday 10/16.
I’ll be onsite styling vintage clothing, amongst antiques, jewelry, candles, crystals, coffee, sweet treats, and more!
Saturday, October 16th
10am — 5pm
Shipyard Park @ 1 13 Street
Hoboken, NJ
See you there!
What’s your ideal way to start & end your day?
Every morning when I wake up, I drink hot lemon water. Then I read my devotional and I pray about anything that is on my mind and practice gratitude. It really feels like a therapy session.
My favorite way to end the day is with a glass of wine and some mindless TV. It's like an escape for me…something I don't have to overthink. Love Island UK and the Real Housewives are my current favorites!
Leave us with a ray of light. A simple reminder that grounds you or helps you through.
You're doing your very best, and that is really all you can do. Everything else is out of your control.
All photos provided by Rachel Varney.