The Club @ Marist College | Fall Happenings
Founded in 2010 to raise awareness of healthy relationships and self-empowerment, The Club @ Marist College continues to create space to share, heal, and support, in partnership with organizations both on campus and within the larger Hudson Valley, NY community.
Photo by Marist College, artwork by The Purple Thread
Welcome, New Club Members!
As we enter our 12th year on campus, we are so excited to welcome Olivia and Laiba to the student board, and all new members to the on-campus club at Marist College!
Set the Expectation Football Game
In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month and the reason for our founding, we are proud to co-sponsor the Set the Expectation Marist Football Game. Set the Expectation is dedicated to ending sexual and interpersonal violence through prevention work with men, advocacy, and engagement with agencies serving survivors and their families.
Priority Point Opportunity — student club members can get credit for attending by checking in with the board member at our booth. Have your CWID number ready.
Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals.
Only when we know our own darkness well, can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.
— Pema Chodron
Donation Drive
In partnership with Pre-PA Society, The Club is sponsoring a donation drive for Grace Smith House. GSH provides residential and non-residential services to victims of domestic violence and their families through shelter, counseling, transitional housing, advocacy, safety planning, and preventive education to residents of Dutchess County, NY. We are proud to support their efforts.