Travel Guide — Kingston, NY

Kingston, NY — As a graduate of nearby Marist College, where The Purple Thread first began, I have always found the surrounding Hudson Valley area to be extra special, and love getting back. Enjoy the weekend’s highlights of charming historic sites, unique shops, and great food.

Photo & artwork by The Purple Thread


A Well-Rounded Weekend

Kingston, New York

“Kingston, NY has always been a hub for culture, commerce, and tourism. Today, this former state capital has evolved into a vibrant destination that attracts visitors from around the world. Bounded by the majestic Catskill and Shawangunk mountain ranges to the west and the mighty Hudson River to the east, Kingston is an exciting intersection of natural beauty, history, the arts, and upscale urban chic.” — Kingston Happenings

Photo by City of Kingston


Kingston, New York

As a alumni of nearby Marist College, where The Purple Thread first began, I have always found the surrounding Hudson Valley area to be extra special and love getting back.

Enjoy some highlights below and click the photos to learn more.

As always, balanced well-being isn’t perfect. It’s better.

For a get-away, it means a little planning, but plenty of room to wander, eating well but keeping a “when in Rome” mindset, movement that feels good but maybe at a slower pace, and perhaps sharing it with others. (Though sometimes, time alone is just the answer). You’ll know what you need.

Remember to try to take a little bit of what feels good while “away,” home with you.


Day 1 — AM

Arrive to area, lunch at Lola, shop around town, coffee/tea at Rough Draft Bar & Books

Day 1 — PM

Check in to Hotel Kinsley, relax, dinner at Restaurant Kinsley, cocktails at Stockade Tavern

Day 2 — AM

Coffee and pastries at Kingston Bread + Bar, stop at Rivermint Finery

Day 2 — PM

Quick drive to downtown district for waterfront walk, brunch at Savona’s Trattoria


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