We Are Worth Innumerable Amounts
We don’t always know how we’ve impacted someone. But as these letters from 8th graders prove, sometimes we do. Because of how heartwarming it can be, may we remember to let others know too.
Photo from personal letter collection, artwork by The Purple Thread
These letters from 8th graders were received after a speaking engagement & were the sweetest surprise.
Dear Danielle,
Thank you for sharing your experience. I understand that it must have been difficult, but it does not go unappreciated.
I think your message really resonated with a lot of the students, especially us girls. I think it is really wonderful that you took something so negative, and used it as a way to reach out to others.
You taught us the signs of a negative relationship, but also made us realize that we are worth innumerable amounts.
I left feeling more self-worth than I ever had in the past, for that I thank you.
I hope you know the sense of empowerment that you gave us.
S (8th grade)
Comment Prompt:
When is the last time you let someone know what they meant to you, thanked them for a small gesture, or shared a “lightbulb moment” you had because of them?