18 Feel-Good Finds — Home, Wardrobe, Experience
Our curated collection of online shops, services, and sources of inspiration — specifically for the home, closet, and soul.
Photo by Samantha Myer, artwork by The Purple Thread
The Purple Thread focuses on health, living, and community, and their individual effect on our overall well-being.
Our feel-good finds section includes a collection of go-to sources and occasional exclusive savings within each category. Within “Living,” please enjoy this list of shops, services, and sources of inspiration to warm up the home, closet, and soul.
Home Goods & Services
Ethical Goods & Style Inspiration
Samantha Myer Studio — LA-based design & styling studio. Featuring the favorite “Papasweater.” Click here for our feature on Samantha Myer.
Travel Inspiration & Social Projects
The Stralande — an online journal connecting luminous people, brands, and ideas.